Week 5 - Demographic Target Marketing: Procter & Gamble's Approach

Demographic Target Marketing: Procter & Gamble’s Approach 

Target marketing is the key to attracting new business, increasing sales, and making your business a success. It involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments consisting of the customers whose needs and desires most closely match your product or service offerings. The reason target marketing is so wonderful is that by aiming your marketing efforts at specific groups of consumers makes the promotion, pricing, and distribution of your products and/or services easier and more cost effective and provides a focus to all of your marketing activities.

Image result for target marketing

There are many ways to approach market segmentation, but the three of the most common types are demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, and psychographic segmentation. Demographic segmentation is usually the most important criteria for a target market. Demographic grouping is based on measurable statistics like gender, age, marital status, income, and religion. One company that focuses on a demographic target market is Procter & Gamble.

Procter & Gamble is a company that produces all sorts of household products. So naturally, one of their target markets is the person in charge of buying these items. When trying to specify the demographic even further, it goes from parent to particularly the mother. Procter & Gamble is trying to reach all mothers with their marketing. One of the best examples of this is their 2012 Olympics campaign. In their “Raising an Olympian” campaign, they take a look at a mother’s role in an Olympian’s life. Focusing on the mother’s role in their child’s success, tugs on people’s heartstrings. The video ends with “P&G: A proud sponsor of mothers” which keeps the ad focused on their target market.
