Week 2 - Samsung's Combination of Target & Influencer Marketing with #TeamGalaxy

Samsung's Combination of Target & Influencer Marketing with #TeamGalaxy

Samsung is one of the world’s leading electronic manufacturers. One of their most popular series of mobile computing devices is their Samsung Galaxy product line. This line includes high-end smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches using the Android operating system. Recently, Samsung has launched a new advertising campaign for this line of phones called #TeamGalaxy. This hashtag is exactly what it sounds like. A group of ambassadors promoting the new Samsung Galaxy Products.

This marketing strategy is a combination of target and influencer marketing. Each of the members of #TeamGalaxy are social media influencers that appeal to different niches of customers or target markets.

There are four members of the crew. Ninja who is an online gaming legend, Lil Miquela a model/artist who has an immense Instagram following, Steve Aoki who is a two-time Grammy-nominated DJ and producer, and Millie Bobby Brown who is an actress and social media activist. It is clear as to why Samsung chose these four people to promote their new line of Galaxy phones. For example, the ambassador Ninja appeals to gamers and can promote the Galaxy phone’s online gaming capabilities which is hinted in his interview on “the future of gaming”. Similarly, Steve Aoki is a figure in the music industry and when it says to “find out how he records music, runs a label…all while travelling”, it is clearly suggesting to his use of a Galaxy phone and how useful it is for people who want similar features from their phone.

Those who follow these influencers or those who are looking for these kinds of features for their phone will probably take these ambassadors suggestions into consideration because of their expertise in their fields. Samsung makes full use of this marketing strategy by providing each of the influencers’ recommendations on which Galaxy phones they use for their needs. Here we can see Millie Bobbie Brown’s recommendation for which Galaxy products give her the best pictures for her social media activism.

Influencer marketing and target marketing work very well for today’s social media crazed society. Samsung’s decision to use both was an effective strategy on their part because of how much of an effect social media influencers have on consumers when they are purchasing a product.
