Week 3 - The Psychological Side of Marketing: Social Proofs

The Psychological Side of Marketing: Social Proofs

One of the major factors that marketers take into consideration is psychology. After all, they are trying to convince people to use their product or service which is why it is so important for them to understand human behavior and how a consumer’s mind works.

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When it comes to the psychological side of marketing, social proofs are a significant way to boost your marketing strategy’s effectiveness. Social proof or social influence refers to people (consumers) assuming that the actions of others are correct based on the frequency that they see said actions. For example, you walk by a restaurant that is bustling with people and you see that they are all enjoying their food. You would assume that this restaurant provides good quality food, because why else would anyone be eating there? This situation demonstrates social proof in action. You saw other consumers enjoying a popular product, so now you see it as attractive too.

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But why does social proof work so well in marketing? Simple, social belonging is real. As much as we want to stand out from the crowd, all people have a fundamental human nature that motivates them to be a part of a group that they can identify with. Whether it be at school, at work, or with friends, creating a sense of belonging is essential for our psychological health.

This is where marketers can get an advantage. By appealing that a product or service is used by certain groups of people. Consumers will be motivated to purchase those products or services to gain a sense of having a stronger connection with those they identify with or with those groups that they wish to belong to. One way to see social proofs is through the concept of luxury items. When consumers observe wealthy people using brands like Chanel, Gucci, or Louis Vuitton, they have a motivation to purchase those items to feel a connection with those of the upper class or to show that they too are part of that group.

Psychology plays a huge role in marketing. Understanding the mind of the consumer is essential for any marketer. By focusing on one or more behavioral tendencies, marketers can enhance their marketing strategies to best target their audience.
