Week 4 - The Societal Marketing Concept: Lego’s New Global Marketing Campaign

The Societal Marketing Concept: Lego’s New Global Marketing Campaign

For the first time in thirty years, the toy company, Lego, has launched a global brand campaign “Rebuild the World”. Their purpose is to boost children’s creativity and reconnect people with the roots of the brand. The video itself follows the chase between a clever rabbit and a clumsy hunter. Every scene consists of real-life versions of existing or past Lego toys.

A marketing concept is the idea that firms should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than their competition. The way Lego is marketing this campaign is by using a specific marketing concept called the societal marketing concept. The societal marketing concept is the most relevant concept that can be applied to modern society. It is a marketing concept that believes in giving back to society by producing products that help make the world a better place. Nowadays, consumers not only focus on the product itself, but the missions of the companies behind them and what they are doing to help the community.

Image result for societal marketing concept pyramid

In Lego’s case, they are trying to appeal to the issue of creativity in children. Lego’s chief marketing officer, Julia Goldin, says “the need for creative problem-solving skills has never been greater and this is something Lego is looking to change so we’re launching ‘Rebuild the World’, a campaign that aims to fire-up children’s creativity so that they have the skills needed to succeed in tomorrow’s world.”

They key here is that they are selling the concept that Lego toys are a good thing for society because they bolster imagination and creativity in children. This in turn, will help them in the future when they are searching for a job in a world that is full of uniform skills due to increased computerization and machinery. Through this ad campaign, Lego toys will be portrayed in a positive light and it will give consumers more reason to purchase Lego products. That is the effectiveness of the societal marketing concept.
