Week 9 - Let’s Play! Videogame Marketing and Why It’s So Great

Let’s Play! Videogame Marketing and Why It’s So Great

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Videogames have become a major industry in recent years with game companies having multiple followings and fans. According to industry researchers, worldwide video gaming content has an audience of about 665 million people and that number is only increasing with a 21% chance of growth by 2021. This platform creates the perfect target market for marketers looking for a younger audience. In fact, the projections for investments in videogame advertising is expected to grow from 2016’s figures of $1.9 billion to $2.3 billion in 2020.

Image result for videogame marketing gatorade sports ad

With the immense popularity of gaming, marketers are looking for effective wats to interweave their brands into videogame environments to capitalize on the power of this digital market. U.S. gamers alone spend more than 50 million hours a day playing videogames which gives marketers enough screen time to promote their brands. For example, in a Nielson study, a simple in-game advertising technique like Gatorade ads in EA sports games generated a large return in the form of retail sales increases of more than 25%. Also, videogames come in many types which gives marketers different avenues to explore.

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The sheer effectiveness of static and dynamic ads in videogames will definitely become a powerful marketing strategy to successfully advertise brand partners and supporters. For example, as a FIFA partner, Adidas has always played a large role in the franchise’s videogame designs with well-placed ads. As gaming graphics improved, characters started wearing Adidas gear and using iconic ball designs to achieve much success in further promoting the brand. With advertising investments approaching $2.3 billion by 2020, and as technology improvements support more immersive gaming environments, marketers will enjoy even better returns through the direct interaction with their brands and brand messages in gaming environments.  New creative approaches and strategies will be necessary, creating new revenue opportunities for promotional, creative, and direct marketing agencies.
