Week 12 - Marketing Yourself! How to Create a Personal Brand

Marketing Yourself! How to Create a Personal Brand

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It used to be that creating a personal brand meant you had a bunch of business cards made up and if you were creative, you would hire a graphic designer to create a logo for you. But, with the development of social media and an increasingly individualized society, the brand you build around yourself is perhaps the single most important way you can stand out in your spheres of influence. If you're beginning to think about your personal brand, it's crucial that you understand that personal branding is the means by which people remember you. Your brand image is what you create to help build your business. Your personal brand centers around you as an individual.

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The first step in defining your own personal brand is to consider your audience. It helps to think of what kind of impression you want to build and the market you want to target. If you can build a solid personal reputation as someone who cares and truly wants the best for their clients that will only help further your business’s success.

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The second thing to remember is that personal branding is not about selling. It is about making yourself available to others whether they be clients or peers. This includes being active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You must also balance your social media presence with business-related updates and personal updates. That way, people will see you as an established professional but also get a sneak peek into your personal life which helps them feel connected to you as an individual.

Personal branding is not only about social media. When you interact with people, you must maintain a positive and professional appearance sticking to your brand. This includes carrying business cards with you at all times and keeping an eye out for potential clients. People love to support local businesses and other professionals, and if you make a good impression, they'll be more eager to look into your services and they may even hire you or refer you to someone who will.

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Finally, one of the key components for effective personal branding is staying true to your brand. With consistency, people will start recognizing your brand after encountering it several times. So, if you change your image mid-way, potential clients will get confused, and eventually they might not know it is you or they will not trust you. If you're using multiple media platforms, you need to keep your overall image and appearance the same. One way to accomplish this is to make sure your color schemes, logos, personal mottos, and your overall business look and feel the same. That way you can get the most out of your personal branding and it will surely help your business grow.
